Department of Management

The department's mission is to be known for exceptionally strong programs built by award-winning teachers and scholars who are experts in strategic management, human resource management, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, international management, organization theory, and ethics.

The Department of Management offers two undergraduate degree programs with a major in Human Resources Management or in Management. Within the Management degree, a track in Human Resources Management may also be pursued. The field of Management is important to the success of modern organizations. The Management courses that are a part of this degree help build an understanding of the management process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Courses that focus on these core functions, as well as other skill areas such as ethics and teamwork, position Management graduates for a variety of organizational settings and careers.

To be effective, organizations require engaged and productive employees. The track in Human Resources Management focuses on the effective management of human resources in organizations. Courses in the track focus on key functions such as selection, performance management, and compensation, among others.