Study on Customer Satisfaction Level at Hypermarkets in Indian Retail Industry

Satisfying customers is one of the main objectives of every business. Businesses recognize that keeping current customers is more profitable than having to win new ones to replace those lost. Management and marketing theorists underscore the importance of customer satisfaction for a business’s success. Customer satisfaction is the key factor in knowing the success of any retail store or business, therefore it is very important to measure it and to find the factors which affect the customer satisfaction. Customers are most likely to appreciate the goods and services that they buy if they are made to feel special. This occurs when they feel that the goods and services that they buy have been specially produced for them or for people like them. It should be always keep measuring in order to get feedback for the product and service in order to develop it further with wide customization.

Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are happy with the products and services provided by a business. Customer satisfaction levels can be measured using survey techniques and questionnaires. Gaining high levels of customer satisfaction is very important to a business because satisfied customers are most likely to be loyal and to make repeat orders and to use a wide range of services offered by a business. Customer satisfaction is an asset that should be monitored and managed just like any physical asset. This is true for both service-oriented and product-oriented organizations.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Hypermarket Retail Stores, Decision Making, Loyalty

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

S, Jeevananda, Study on Customer Satisfaction Level at Hypermarkets in Indian Retail Industry (July 29, 2011). RJSSM, Volume:01, Number: 03, July-2011, Available at SSRN: or

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